Khao Salak Festival

Buddhism is an important culture even socialist country; Buddhism teaches that it is important to make merit through good deeds and donations to ensure that one is reborn in a better situation in the next life, the Buddhist doctrine of karma, which teaches that the circumstances of my current life are a consequence of my actions in previous lives. Buddhism is an institution maintaining national culture, because Buddhism has been the origin of culture, and has a deep influence on Lao culture in areas such as speech, respect for the body, for persons of rank, interpersonal relations, eating, clothing, and others, Lao people are frank, open and friendly, and they possess a strongly developed sense of courtesy and respect. A variety of festivals or traditions and religious ceremonies are observed throughout the whole year for the Lao people, there is important festivals or traditions as the following:
             September: Khao Salak Festival is for offering to be made for dead, This is for offerings to be made for dead ancestors to obtain merit. Popular and exciting longboat-racing competitions are held to celebrate the River. This festival is held during the tenth full moon of the lunar calendar. Hold during the 10th full moon of the lunar calendar, this festival is a celebration and a remembrance of the dead. During this festival, the Lao make offerings to the monks at the local Wat on behalf of deceased ancestors. Participing gives "good merits" to the devotes. Most of the people go to the temple early this day, with offering to the monks. Large food trays are brought to the monks, with several "best" dishes that families can cook. All the people will bring that offerings with a piece of papers talking about ancestors, that will be read publicly.

Khao Salak 

1. MEG REGINA RAKOW, Laos and Laotians, Center for Southeast Asian Studies School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Affairs University of Hawaii 1992, P.32
2. National Tourism Authority, visit Laos Years 2000, P.45
4. From an article of KPL, Lao News Agency, translated by Google
6. Mr.Khamsing KHAMMANIVONG, Laos Cultural Profile, Diversicare, 2012),P.24
7. Ven.Khamyad Rasdavong, A Historical study of Buddhism in the Lao people’s democratic republic from 1975 to 2004 (C.E), Mahachulalongkonrajavidyalaya University, Bangkok, Thailand, P.122114-115
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